In the Garden of the Queen

I organized this performance with ‘The Moraine Research Collective’, a group of six female artists from different disciplines, on the occasion of the UBB HiLL festival, on the 29th of May 2022.

On such occasion, I presented with my ‘sisters’, after one year of research, a surreal immersive performance and soundscape; a hymn to sensuous learning, to our belonging to a history of womanhood; a celebration of stains.
On your way to The Moraine’s back garden, you must pass through long diagonal washing lines. Stained white sheets everywhere. Red marks. The smell of strawberries. Sounds of humming voices.

Within the garden is an abundance of strawberries, pomegranates, cherry tomatoes and melons. Piles and chests of red abundance on white sheets.Four women, wearing white aprons and capes, appear to be very busy. They walk around, singing along with the mysterious ongoing soundscape. They look at you, but they won’t talk with you.

Take down the white sheets and stain them in the washing area. A big smoking pot. Collect fruits and juice them. Hang the stained cloths. Stain them again. You may be offered a fruit. Perhaps a long cristal glass.

Cut the fruits on the white tablecloth. Juice the fruits. Hang the stains. Stain. Singing along ‘In The Garden of The Queen, Things Don’t Seem So Very Clean’.

The Morine Research Collective is formed by Laura Klinkenberg, Liv Kaya Aabye, Nina van Hartskamp, Zippora Martosoewando, Eva van der Zand and myself.

The research is initiated and hosted by The Moraine Foundation, lead by Eva van der Zand and Yanlief Schwartz.